Sunday, August 28, 2011


I've been cutting Natalie and Noah's hair myself and I'm not sure I do the best job.  I recently took Natalie to my hair stylist and had her hair cut and it looked nicer than I would have done but still not that great because Natalie's hair is so slow to come in and we're trying to get it longer so my stylist told me I just have to live with her hair being straggly and eventually it will look nice.  I'm not sure when that eventually is going to be. She's 2 and a half and her hair is still so short!  Noah's hair though has started to grow like a weed (much like his daddy's hair).  I don't know if I can cut his hair much longer and still have it look OK.  It's looked passable but not great.  Today I trimmed it a little and it looked awful!  So we decided we would try the clippers.  First we cut daddy's hair.  Noah was quite enthusiastic about getting his hair cut with the clippers and sat on the big stool and stayed still the whole time.  It was a pretty easy haircut.  But my baby's hair is all gone!  It's so short (but it looks nice)!  I'm quite sad at the loss of several inches of his hair.

Here's a before

Here's the after
What do you think?  It's so short and his colic really stands up now (before I didn't even know he had one).  But it seems layered better and so hopefully it will be easier to mantain. Natalie wanted her haircut and was really upset about not getting her haircut.  Luckily daddy is resourceful and realized there is a cap to the clippers.  We put that on and "cut" Natalie's hair.

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Dress Up

N2 are just starting to be interested in dressing up.  They like to put on clothes when I am folding laundry no matter if it is their clothes or mommy or daddy's clothes.  They like to take their socks off and put them on their hands.  We have a box of "dress up clothes" that they occasionally go into.  The other night Grandma and Grandpa Weidner were over and I don't know how it started but both Natalie and Noah were dressed up in costumes.  While Brian and I were in Door County we picked up a Viking helmet for Noah (we wanted to get them something but didn't know what and I ran into them at the Swedish shop and though, what the heck?).  They LOVE this helmet but they think the horns are handles.  They also have wings that they think are pretty cool.

I would like to add a disclaimer.  I was not the one to dress Noah.  I'm not sure who picked out the pink skirt :)  I think it's pretty hilarous though and Noah thought so too.  He ran and ran and ran around the house in this outfit.  It was quite hard to get a picture as he was running very quickly.

Saturday, August 20, 2011


I am borrowing my friend Jaime's word to describe the event that happened today.  As many of you are aware my sweet little Natalie can be quite michevious.  Today while I was in the bathroom with Noah signing "The Farmer in the Dell" while Noah went potty (don't ask me why we needed to sing but we needed to), Natalie found the sunblock in her backpack which was supposed to stay at school.  I came out of the bathroom to check on Natalie and this is what I found.

She hit EVERY cushion on our couches and chairs plus 2 pillows.  We no longer have anywhere to sit in our living room as all the cushions are damp from us trying to clean them.  I am also going to tell you that sunblock DOES NOT come out of upholstery.  We have spent all morning trying to clean it using a variety of cleaners.  Luckily most cushions can be turned over.  The pillows did get clean in the wash so I guess I could remove the stuffing from the cushions and try washing them in the washing machine but that seems like it would not be worth it as it might be impossible to restuff the cushions.  Our couches were lookiing a little sad and we had talked about replacing them.  We just didn't want to do it yet.  So if and when you come over please ignore the sunblock stains.

Monday, August 15, 2011

Sheets from Grandma

We needed to take blankets and pillows to school for naps and I realized we don't own any small pillow cases and I don't have big blankets for them (I have baby blankets but they've pretty much outgrown them).  So Grandma Dueber offered to make some pillow cases for us.  I met up with her for lunch today and she surprised me by also making sheets for them.   Natalie and Noah opened their presents from Grandma and were excited to find blankets (sheets) just for them!  They wanted to walk to school and take them over there (since these are special sheets just for school).  They both proceeded to lie down on the couches and insisted on being covered up.  Natalie thought the tissue paper that Grandma wrapped the sheets in were also blankets for her so I had to cover her up with tissue paper as well!

Thank you Grandma for such fun sheets and pillow cases!

Thursday, August 11, 2011


We've been talking for a while about Natalie and Noah's school and that they are going to go to school while mommy and daddy go to school.  Luckily our school is right down the street so everytime we go out somewhere we can pass right by it and they can see if the kids are playing outside.  If they aren't outside, they are napping (according to Noah).  The day finally arrived that it was time for them to start school.  We packed up their backpacks-complete with bear and lion and walked over.  Their room was empty when we got there.  Noah was not sure about it and hovered around one of the tables holding his bear.  Natalie on the other hand found the climbing foam blocks that she could climb up and slide down.  It is also right by a window so she could climb up and look out.  She seemed quite excited by all the new toys.  She then started to drag me outside.  We went outside and of course she wanted to ride the bikes like the big kids.  We said our goodbyes and left.  By that point I was crying quite a bit but I'm so proud of my two little angels who did not shed a tear yet.  Luckily I had Brian to walk me home.

(They did not really want to smile)

When I went to pick them up I heard that Natalie cried for a little bit but not for long and Noah did no crying but was very quiet.  I found them in their classroom shaking bean bags vigorously with their teacher.  They didn't even notice me!  When Natalie finally noticed me she ran over and gave me a big hug.  No tears!  Noah ran over, hugged me and said "time to go home."  We left with 2 projects that they had done-a cut out and colored skunk with cotton glued to it and a paper plate owl mask that they colored.  What on earth am I supposed to do with all this stuff that they bring home???  2 projects in one morning (times 2 kids)-that's a lot of stuff!  Plus they don't really seem to care about it!  As we were walking home we talked about what they did at school.  They told me they had cookies for a snack (not sure if they really did or not), colored with markers, shook beanbags and played outside.  I asked if they wanted to go back and Natalie said no and Noah said yes.  Noah also told me "Noah miss Mommy."  Boy want to talk about wanting to cry again!  But at least he's willing to go back.  They were quite cuddly when they got home but in fine spirits.  I sure hope tomorrow is just as easy to drop them off because I'm doing it by myself.  I hope I can hold it together better!