Saturday, December 14, 2013

More Peanut Antics

Here's a little more of what Peanut has done in at our house.  He decided he wanted to help decorate the house for Christmas.

Then Peanut raided our marshmallows and had some fun.  He roasted marshmallows with on of the firefighters.  Then he made a snowman with marshmallows (which Natalie left alone the first day but then broke off the arms to eat them the next day).  This morning Peanut was found having a snowball fight with an army dude (not sure what he is really).  By the time I got up this morning, most of the marshmallows were gone and there were a TON of them!  Their forts were totally gone!  Sound familiar Marcie?

Poor Peanut was trapped outside one morning and wrote N2 a message.  They had to figure out how they could help.  They decided to open the window part ways so he could crawl out while we were at school/work.  It was a chilly night for Peanut to be outside! (There really is an H and an ie in Natalie's name-some of the letters didn't show up as well).

Peanut was also very helpful in recovering toys from the couch!
Lastly, N2's laundry as folded on the couch so he decided to wear some socks and underwear!

1 comment:

  1. Ha ha ha, I love that your kids at the marshmallows, too! At least they both got some! Amelia was a little annoyed to find out that Megan had eaten all the marshmallows without her. Today our elf is using a straw to drink syrup out of the container. What is your elf up to?
