Friday, August 24, 2012

Ideas For New Olympic Events

After looking through some pictures from our time at Donley's Wild West Town, I have some suggestions for future Olympic events.  I'll be forwarding my ideas to the International Olympic Committee and I hope to see some included in the 2020 Olympics which I hope will be held in Istanbul.

First up is lassoing.
 (Noah discovers an easier way than trying to throw the rope).
 (Natalie saw what Noah did!)
 It's more fun to rope kids than cows, isn't it?

The next event I think should be added is bison riding.  Bison riding is not for the faint of heart!

Instead of doing traditional cycling, why not do hand cart cycle races?

And my last submission to the IOC was Conestoga wagon racing.  Wouldn't that be amusing?  My team is ready to go!

And I also offer up a suggestion to Ralph Lauren for Opening Ceremony (or Closing Ceremony) uniforms.  Perhaps he can design something similar to send off to China to make them.

1 comment:

  1. That place really looks like a lot of fun! I love Natalie's cowgirl outfit, where did you find cowgirl boots?
